Request A Consultation

Every United Maintenance design, installation or servicing project begins with a consultation. During this consultation, one of our team experts will talk with you about your current HVAC needs—the size of your facility, the scope of the project, the status of your current heating, cooling and ventilation systems, and the services you require. We’ll also discuss any current problem areas or challenges, and talk about possible solutions to those problems. We’ll use this information to develop a customized proposal based on your needs and budget.

Our commitment to excellence and integrity means that we will listen to your needs and recommend only solutions that suit those needs. We won’t try to sell you products or solutions that aren’t necessary, but we will also be honest with you about issues you shouldn’t cut corners on.

From large-scale campuses to smaller offices, from new constructions to maintenance contracts to automation solutions, UMI has the resources and expertise to meet your facility’s HVAC needs. To schedule a consultation, please fill out and submit the form below, or call our offices at 770-455-1656. We look forward to speaking with you.